Envar har utan åtskillnad rätt till lika lön för lika arbete . Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Merces tantum habent valoris commutativi, quantum laboris in
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Find top Translation Services with LaborX ️ Debemos redefinir la labor de nuestro departamento acorde con los tiempos.We need to redefine our department's task in keeping with the times. b. job. La labor del jefe de personal consiste en evitar que se produzcan ese tipo de conflictos.The personnel manager's job is to … Labor translation in German - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'Laborant',Lab',Laborantin',laborieren', examples, definition, conjugation labor. ˈleɪ bər. Would you like to know how to translate labor to other languages? This page provides all possible translations of the word labor in almost any language.
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Manual labor in Chinese (s) 手工, 体力劳动. Dictionary source: Babylon English-Chinese (S) Dictionary. More: English to Chinese (s) translation of manual labor. Look up the German to Greek translation of Labor in the PONS online dictionary.
Without human capital, without cheap labor, cheap female labor, it would not be generating the profits that it is.
What does laboris indicere mean in English? If you want to learn laboris indicere in English, you will find the translation here, along with other translations from Latin to English. We hope this will help you in learning languages.
trau. Labor omnia vincit imprŏbus.
Debemos redefinir la labor de nuestro departamento acorde con los tiempos.We need to redefine our department's task in keeping with the times. b. job. La labor del jefe de personal consiste en evitar que se produzcan ese tipo de conflictos.The personnel manager's job is to …
Pride in surrey youth forum - member profile > profile page. User: testosteron anabola virigen arbeta!=laboru. arbetade=laboris.
jordbruks-, DS 1187. 3842. (S.). av SK Falun — tion, translation and commentary. (Acta Universitatis NON PAR FORTUNA LABORI – ”Lyckan motsvarar inte mödan”, står det på den största av handlar det blott om lycka (fortuna) och hårt arbete (labor)? Är han en expert eller en
Ipse labor quasi callum quoddam obducit dolori. cum Protogenis opus inmensi laboris ac curae supra modum anxiae miraretur; dixit [Apelles]
Bain, Francis Heifer of the dawn / translated from the original ms.
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labour BE n. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: labor contract (US), labour contract (UK) n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (employment agreement) contrato laboral nm + adj mf: contrato de trabajo nm + loc adj: The teachers are hoping to negotiate a more equitable labor contract this year.
Say the Latin labor laboris in English. Labor, work, toil. accomplishment · achievement · effort · exertion · feat · hardship · labor · fatigue · glide · toil · distress · pass · perish · sink · slide · slip · struggle · suffering · trouble · be led insensibly · be mistaken · begin to fall · childbirth · commit a fault · concern · decline · diligence · doing · drop · drudgery · elapse · err · fall · fall into error · float · flow · go to ruin · go wrong · incline · industriousness · industry · mistake · move
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Declension of labor, declension tables of many Latin nouns, with all cases. labor, labōris, m. In English: work, labor, toil, exertion, distress, trouble, pain labor labōris labōrī labōrem labōre labor. Plural. labōrēs labōrum lab
2021-03-16 2020-05-04 Laboris Solutions, Oxford, Oxfordshire. 82 likes. Recruiter.