Job Description: Account Director / Senior Account Manager As an Account Director you'll be used to leading, managing, nurturing, and organising those around you. Normally the days will seem long and you're forever feel like you're hustling to keep ahead of the game. We believe there is a different way!


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Benefit in Kind. The second implication of an overdrawn director’s loan account is that it can trigger a benefit in kind. As mentioned above, an overdrawn director’s loan account is effectively an interest-free loan.

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Vill du veta löner för butikssäljare eller innesäljare kan du läsa mer om det på respektive sida. Lönestatistik för Account manager gör att du enkelt ser om du har rätt lön. Medellöner för detta yrke och andra inom Försäljning, marknadsföring, samt annan nyttig statistik.