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Do you agree with Lawline.com’s star rating? Check out what 833 people have written so far, and share your own experience. Every single class taught on LawLine (aka FurtherEd) is the most boring, lame, stupid, idiotic session you could possibly imagine, and you learn absolutely nothing from it the entire time. Lawline starts the process sending out a code challenge. The code challenge was an easy one and took about 3 or 4 hours. They expected the code challenge to be delivered in 24 hours before even considering to speak with me. For some weird reasons, I did go along with that abusive process and delivered before the 24 hours deadline.
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I began at Lawline as a Customer Support Specialist in 2012 and it was my first professional role 14 Lawline.com reviews. A free inside look at company reviews and salaries posted anonymously by employees. Do you agree with Lawline.com’s star rating? Check out what 833 people have written so far, and share your own experience. Every single class taught on LawLine (aka FurtherEd) is the most boring, lame, stupid, idiotic session you could possibly imagine, and you learn absolutely nothing from it the entire time.
Lawline besvarar cirka 500 juridiska frågor per månad gratis! Får vi in fler frågor kan vi tyvärr inte garantera att du får svar.
Vi vill göra något så snårigt och dyrt som juridik tillgängligt och begripligt för alla. Vi förändrar juristbranchen och sänker trösklarna till juridik.
Vi förändrar juristbranschen och sänker trösklarna till juridik genom att bjuda såväl företag och privatpersoner på juridisk rådgivning. Lawline provides solid continuing legal education programs that meet my needs to keep up to date (and to maintain my CLE compliance).
Do you agree with Lawline.com’s star rating? Check out what 719 people have written so far, and share your own experience. | Read 641-660 Reviews out of 719
I have used Lawline for the last 6-8 years to satisfy my CLE requirements. It provides excellent courses, an easy interface, whether you are using your computer, phone or iPad, and, when on sale, provides an excellent value. Lawline skickar extra faktura då man uppdaterar dem på utfallet av processen Jag använde Lawline för ett projekt att stycka en tomt. Jag uppskattade hjälpen och betalade fakturan. Tyvärr fick vi nej på vår ansökan och skickade då över utfallet till Lawline för att de skulle få feedback. Lawline has a great library of courses, and their staff has always been quick to respond to issues (such as trouble getting access to a course or questions about CLE reporting). In general, the unlimited subscription this is a great value for lawyers (assuming you take advantage of it).
Get started for just $299 per year. Lawline.com, New York, New York. 7 259 gillar. Lawline is the leader of online continuing legal education (CLE). We provide live and online courses for attorneys nationwide.
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Min recension handlade om att jag var missnöjd med arbetet Vi vill göra något så snårigt och dyrt som juridik tillgängligt och begripligt för alla. Vi förändrar juristbranchen och sänker trösklarna till juridik.
| Read 141-160 Reviews out of 790
Do you agree with Lawline.com’s star rating? Check out what 706 people have written so far, and share your own experience.
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Lawline besvarar cirka 500 juridiska frågor per månad gratis! Får vi in fler frågor kan vi tyvärr inte garantera att du får svar. Vill du bli garanterad