Futuraskolan har tecknat avtal om att förvärva Bergtorpsskolan i Täby. Tillträde sker den 1 juli 2010. Bergtorpsskolan prioriterar kvalitetsutveckling 


2021-03-27 Sofia Wickström Birdhouse Contest Finalist 2021. Sofia Wickström, Grade 9 student at Futuraskolan International Bergtorp is one of the finalists in Naturskyddsföreningen’s (Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC) Annual Birdhouse contest 2021.

Katrin Hallin School Vice Principal Bergtorp katrin.hallin@futuraskolan.se +46 (0)723 71 27 98 Katarina Vybacke School Principal Hertig Karl katarina.vybacke@futuraskolan.se +46 (0)723 71 27 99 Ivett Tamayo Preschool Principal Brunbärsvägen & Warfvinges väg ivett.tamayo@futuraskolan.se +46 (0)767 23 44 57 Kontaktuppgifter till Futuraskolan Bergtorp TÄBY, adress, telefonnummer, se information om företaget. Futuraskolan AB is a private company that currently operates 14 pre-schools and schools in Stockholm and the Greater Stockholm region. 13 of these units follow the Swedish curriculum, seven of which are preschools and six of which are schools ranging from F – 9. Öppettider till Futuraskolan International Bergtorp i Täby. Hitta öppettider, adress, telefonnummer för Futuraskolan International Bergtorp på Viggbyholmsvägen 59 i Täby - Öppettider.nu Futuraskolan International Bergtorp; Stockholm; Contact us. Erik Dahlbergsgatan 58-62 115 57 Stockholm info@futuraskolan.se. Follow us.

Futuraskolan bergtorp kontakt

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<< Tillbaka. Prenumerera. Följ föreningens träningar, matcher, och andra aktiviteter direkt i din  http://sodermalmsskolan.stockholm.se/sites/default/files/kontakttrappan_sodermalmsskolan_0.pdfSödermalmsskolebyggnadenExpedition Telefon: 508 40 950  Bergtorp 6-9 Principal Kevin Munro kevin.munro@futuraskolan.se +46 (0) 721-88 46 66 Vice Principal Katrin Hallin katrin.hallin@futuraskolan.se +46 (0) 723-71 27 98 Futuraskolan AB is a private company that currently operates 14 pre-schools and schools in Stockholm and the Greater Stockholm region. 13 of these units follow the Swedish curriculum, seven of which are preschools and six of which are schools ranging from F – 9. Futuraskolan International School of Stockholm is a Grade 1-9 independent, non-sectarian, open admissions, co-educational day school located in central Stockholm. The school is designed to serve the children of the international community posted in Sweden and offers all classes in English, with the exception of modern language courses.

665 elever tillbringar sina skoldagar. Skolans profiler är idrott, … Om projektet.

Futuraskolan International Bergtorp - Tyska Lärare 50% också bekväm med engelska i tal och skrift då du kommer att ha kontakt med våra tyska avdelningar.

Futuraskolan International School of Stockholm is a Grade 1-9 independent, non-sectarian, open admissions, co-educational day school located in central Stockholm. The school is designed to serve the children of the international community posted in Sweden and offers all classes in English, with the exception of modern language courses. The school year runs from mid-August to […] Home / Contact / Career. Join our team.

Futuraskolan International Bergtorp är en skola i Viggbyholm Täby, med årskurserna 6 – 9 där ca. 665 elever tillbringar sina skoldagar. Skolans profiler är idrott, musik, musik/drama samt profilen internationell kommunikation. Utforskande, nyfikenhet och lust att lära är grunden för skolans verksamhet.

Futuraskolan bergtorp kontakt

Installation av 300 m2 Evergreen 16 Master på Futuraskolan i Bergtorp i Täby. Samarbete med Ekomiljö i oktober 2014. Skolan har nu fått en fin bollplan direkt i anslutning till entrén, något som eleverna verkligen längtat efter.

About us. Futuraskolan International Hertig Karl is a small bilingual school with a global perspective and caters for Grade F-9. We work thematically interrelating the Swedish National Curriculum with the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) and the International Middle Years Curriculum (IMYC) creating a setting for you as a student to broaden your knowledge through a global perspective Currently, Futuraskolan International School of Stockholm is housed in an early 20th century brick, 3-story courthouse that was renovated in 2011 to create our school. It is an urban school, located in Östermalm in the center of Stockholm. Leading this grade 6-9 school within the Futuraskolan framework. The school has ca 600 students with 65 staff. Futuraskolan International Bergtorp has profile classes in Music, Sports and Communication. This works well with the schools use of LGr 11 and the IMYC.
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Futuraskolan bergtorp kontakt

Futuraskolan International. 4 juni 2020 · Right now Futuraskolan International Kottlas students show their work in the exhibition: ”Our Future is on Fire”. För årskurs 6 i Futuraskolan Bergtorp var det första gången många av eleverna fick testa elevledda utvecklingssamtal.

The school has ca 600 students with 65 staff.
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För årskurs 6 i Futuraskolan Bergtorp var det första gången många av eleverna fick testa elevledda utvecklingssamtal. – Så här första gången låg fokus på den allmänna skolsituationen, attityden till skolarbetet samt gott kamratskap och att skapa bra relationer för att få ihop den nya klassen.

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