Lezgian / ˈ l ɛ z ɡ i ən /, also called Lezgi or Lezgin, is a Northeast Caucasian language. It is the principal Lezgic language, being followed by Tabasaran language …
Labialization is a secondary articulatory feature of sounds in some languages. Labialized sounds involve the lips while the remainder of the oral cavity produces another sound.
1 Vowels 2 Consonants 3 References 4 External links /a/ has two main allophones: [ɑ] and [ʌ]; the former prevails in closed syllables (especially before uvulars and /r/), the latter in open syllables. /a/ is very often rounded after labialized consonants, which may then lose their labialization. /e/ is open ([ɛ]) in stressed syllables if a vowel plus /n/ sequence is not followed by a vowel 2018-09-11 Such 'crazy rules' (Bach & Harms 1972), which often emerge as a by-product of history, undermine the direct phonetic licensing approach to phonology, such as LBC. 2.BACKGROUND. Lezgian is a Nakh-Daghestanian language spoken in southern Daghestan and northern Azerbaijan in the eastern Caucasus. Lezgian numerals work in a similar fashion to the French ones, and are based on the vigesimal system in which "20", not "10", is the base number. "Twenty" in Lezgian is "къад", and higher numbers are formed by adding the suffix -ни to the word (which becomes "къанни" - the same change occurs in пудкъад and кьудкъад) and putting the remaining number afterwards. Lezgian (Lezgi) is a Lezgic language belonging to the Nakho-Daghestanian (East Caucasian) family.
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"Toward the origin of Chumash sibilant harmony." The series builds an extensive collection of high quality descriptions of languages around the world. Each volume offers a comprehensive grammatical description of a single language together with fully analyzed sample texts and, if appropriate, a word list and other relevant information which is available on the language in question. There are no restrictions as to language family or area, and Lezgian ejective harmony. Phonology 35 (3), 407-440.
Tübingen: Niemeyer, 141–163. Google Scholar Lezgian -- Phonology -- 3. A grammar of Lezgian (eBook, 1993) [WorldCat.org] Grammar.
The Lezgian languages. This language group includes Lezgi (with 240,000 speakers in Dagestan and about 170,000 in Azerbaijan); Tabasaran (about 90,000);
Archi, Khinalug, and Udi are the most divergent languages of the Lezgian division. The Udi language is believed to be one of the languages of ancient Caucasian Albania. Linguistic characteristics Phonology. The sound systems of the Nakho-Dagestanian languages are diverse.
Booij, G. 1998. “Phonological Output Constraints in Morphology”. In W. Kehrein and R. Wiese (eds), Phonology and Morphology of the Germanic languages. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 141–163. Google Scholar
This article offers acoustic evi-dence confirming that the two coda-voicing series are indeed voiced in final position. Readings. Ozburn, A., & Kochetov, A. (2018) Ejective harmony in Lezgian. Phonology, 35(3), 407-440.
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Berlin Syllable-based Generalizations in English Phonology. In order to discuss phonological influences on these phonetic changes coherently, I assume a phonology and phonetics that are modularly separate and 9.
Spring 2020 Meetings: Friday 10:00am – 11:50am Location: Room 108. Jan. 24 (WCCFL 2020 practice talk): Topic: “Gradient similarity in Lezgian laryngeal harmony” Speaker: Huteng Dai; March 27: (email organizers for the link to our online meeting)
Booij, G. 1998.
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spreading and the development of coda-voicing obstruents in Lezgian. Phonetics, Phonology, & Fieldwork @ UC San Diego. Publications (2016 - forthcoming)
Phonology. Aghul has contrastive epiglottal consonants. Aghul makes, like many Northeast Caucasian languages, a distinction between tense consonants with concomitant length and weak consonants. Among the Lezgian languages, only Lezgi and Tabasaran are written. Archi, Khinalug, and Udi are the most divergent languages of the Lezgian division. The Udi language is believed to be one of the languages of ancient Caucasian Albania.