More specifically, we have strong reasons to regard legal norms as preemptive reasons only if we accept the service conception of authority. I suggest, however, that an alternative account of authority - which I shall call the arbitrator model - gives us a better account of what legal authority demands and how it works.
2009 Zone B Q9 If Razs service conception of authority is correct then the from LAWS 101 at ITC
Aktuella frågor Maintained by those with authority to delegate and appoint Concept: Authority is a triplet. Our partners have specialized expertise that contributes with ideas, concepts and Authority is a web-agency that offer services in strategy, concept & design, Primula self service · Web mail. SLU, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, has its main locations in Alnarp, Uppsala and Umeå. Corporate finance and venture capital services. Belfius Banque SA. Partenariat public privé - conception, construction et pré-financement d'un nouvel av M Arvidson · 2018 · Citerat av 18 — behaviour, such as holding back criticism of public authorities.
The account of authority that I offered, many years ago, under the title of the service conception of authority, addressed this issue, and assumed that all other problems regarding authority are subsumed under it. Many found the account implausible. It is thin, relying on very few ideas. The ‘coordination’ service conception is used as this papers cipher, decoding the difficulties which threaten the authority thesis at innumerable angles.
3 The Service Conception attempts to give an account of the conditions under which an authority’s directives create duties for those subject to the authority to do what they have been directed to do. No. If people dispute an account of authority that is other-wise well supported, they make a mistake. The service concep-tion is an account of authority, which includes an explanation of what it is to have authority, to be subject to authority, when one has authority or is subject to it, and like questions.
This, is the service conception which Raz capitalizes on to explain the rationality of following practical authority like law. For if the authority serves you by solving a problem that you are not able to solve yourself, then it is not irrational to follow that authority, and this is so even if the authority sometimes gets it wrong, so long as it is likely to get it right more often that you are yourself.
Social Epistemology (2):1-11 ( (2):1-11 After introducing a service conception of epistemic authority based on Alvin Goldman’s account of a cognitive expert, I argue that this service conception is well suited to account for the epistemic authority of collective bodies on a non-summativist perspective, and I show in detail how the defining requirements of an expert can apply to epistemic groups. The account of authority that I offered, many years ago, under the title of the service conception of authority, addressed this issue, and assumed that all other problems regarding authority are subsumed under it. Many found the account implausible. It is thin, relying on very few ideas.
Epistemic paternalism and the service conception of epistemic authority Research output : Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review Export citation
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It is thin, relying on very few ideas. It may well appear to be too thin, and to depart too far from many of the ideas that have gained cur-
This is the problem of authority that Professor Raz addressed many years ago under the title of the service conception of authority.
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3 The Service Conception attempts to give an account of the conditions under which an authority’s directives create duties for those subject to the authority to do what they have been directed to do.
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Raz’s service conception, as laid out in The Morality of Freedom, consist of three central theses.2 First, according to what Raz calls the ‘preemption thesis’, authority is the power to give binding – preemptive – directives: If A has authority over B with regard to matter M, then A’s directive to B to do x gives B both a first-order reason in favor of doing x, and a second-order reason not to consider certain otherwise relevant reasons against doing x.
Krippendorf , J. 1990 : The Holiday Makers , Understanding the impact of leisure Swedish Tourist Authority , Stockholm , 10 s . Spåra din order – Förbrukningsmaterial i kontrakt · Toner för skrivare av andra märken · Återkommande erbjudande om service på plats · Avläsare · Köp online. DOI:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198701729.003.0019.