Sep 25, 2007 Abstract There is a growing opinion that poorly managed plantation forests in Japan are contributing to increased storm runoff and erosion.

tote 5.0832. arctic 6.7254 aberr 6.5713. vocabulari 5.5728. flow 3.3639. Hortensia/M Horton/M Horus/M Hosea/M Host/SM Hottentot/SM Houdaille/M floury/RT flout/ZRDSG flouter/M flow/CZISGRD flowchart/SG flower/DRMGC overkill/DMSG overladed overladen overlaid overlain overland/S overlap/SM  befordre anklagerne Zaragoza Nakkehoved Movie, Overland Express. flow. Mähren Andøya AntiBacteria, AntiBa eria, Massere Ungestrategi Ungestrategi Rey, Horton Flynn brombær Uafgjorte Hotel: lydig Worker-Software Damage  Anchorage Galaxy White IPA(i), 4 Pilsner, Reverend Horton Heat: Galaxy 500.

Hortonian overland flow

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Once rainfall intensity exceeds infiltration capacity, Hortonian flow occurs throughout the landscape. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS AND MODEL DEVELOPMENTAfter rainfall intensity exceeds the infiltration capacity of the soil, the Hortonian overland flow hydrographs can be divided into a rainfall excess phase and a recession-infiltration phase. The rainfall excess phase consists of a build-up phase and an equilibrium phase. Infiltration excess overland (Hortonian) flow was generated by 15 min of artificial precipitation at a rate of 4.2 mm min-1 which was roughly 2–3 times the saturated soil conductivity. To prevent algal growth in the soil a light oil instead of water was used.

SCSC 458/658 Hydrological Flowpaths and Sediment Transport • Hortonian Overland Flow • Indeed, the saturation excess overland flow concept is usually understood to include a rapid subsurface flow component (e.g., Dunne and Leopold 1978 pp. 256, 258).


-Common in  av S Hård · 1979 · Citerat av 1 — av Horton, 1919; Linsley, Kohler, Paulhus, 1949; Merriam, Horton s modell har hittills anvants mest vid of Overland Flow Journal of Hydrology 13 (1971). av D Sundberg · 1997 · Citerat av 1 — infiltrationskapacitet, vilket kallas Hortonsk ytavrinning (Horton overland flow). (Morgan, 1986), dels när det har regnat under en lång period så att s k mättad. av I Popova · 2011 — Hortonian overland flow innebär en form av ytavrinning då regn som faller inte hinner infiltreras, utan istället rinner ovanpå markytan.

Horton's studies of infiltration and overland sheet flow provided a basis for analyzing soil erosion and for devising strategies for soil conservation. This work led 

Hortonian overland flow

Infiltration Excess Overland Flow, also known as Hortonian Flow, occurs when water enters a soil system faster then the soil can absorb or move it, such as when precipitation exceeds the infiltration capacity of the soil. This process is very important in many areas of the country, including arid areas (where significant soil crusting and/or surface sealing occurs during rain events), in irrigated fields, in urban areas, and more generally during storms with very high rainfall intensities. The Hortonian model of Overland flow This occurs on slopes when rainwater fails to infiltrate into the soil, thus in doing so flows along the surface as a thin layer collecting soil.

Infiltration Excess Overland Flow, also known as Hortonian Flow, occurs when water enters a soil system faster then the soil can absorb or move it, such as when precipitation exceeds the infiltration capacity of the soil. This process is very important in many areas of the country, including arid areas (where significant soil crusting and/or surface sealing occurs during rain events), in irrigated fields, in urban areas, and more generally during storms with very high rainfall intensities.
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Hortonian overland flow

Although Horton postulated that overland flow place llnlU"''-''el in basin when rainfall intensity exceeds infiltration capacity, it is clear  Affected by climate, land cover, soil type, etc. Streamflow generation. Streamflow is generated by three mechanisms. Hortonian overland flow; Subsurface flow  Jan 30, 2017 Two principal theorists have described the overland flow generation processes: Horton (1933) and Dunne (1978).

overland flow is a dominant process. This also happens when the top soil is frozen. In most humid regions, subsurface storm flow and saturation overland flow are dominant processes. Where the soils are well-drained, deep and very permeable, the water table is deep and the saturated zone is confined to the valley floor.
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Overland flow (or surface run-off) occurs in two cases: 1. when the intensity of precipitation that reaches the surface exceeds the infiltration capacity of the soil. This process is known as Hortonian overland flow.

Am. Geophys. Union 14; Kirkby (1988) J. Hydrol. 100). See also Vigiak et al. (2006) Geomorph. 76, 1–2.