Gåshaga Principal Fareeha Rizwan fareeha.rizwan@futuraskolan.se +46 (0) 708-41 13 14 Pre-School Coordinator Luca Nicolo luca.nicolo@futuraskolan.se +46 (0) 730-20 28 02
Kelly has been teaching music, with a focus on choir, since 2009. She is currently teaching music and choir at Futuraskolan Gåshaga in Stockholm, Sweden. Prior to this she worked as a music and choir teacher at Futuraskolan International Lidingö for one year and Internationella Engelska Skolan: Huddinge for two years.
From Hammarbyhöjden, Stockholm 145 min; From Gamla Stan, Stockholm Gåshaga: 11 min walk: Ferry stations near Futuraskolan in Liding Elever i åk 3 på Futuraskolan Gåshaga har skapat en film som ska visas för elever i Melbourne Australien som vi samarbetar med. Students in grade 3 have made a mystery movie we are sending to a school in Melbourne as apart of our work on English speaking countries. Café Gåshaga, Lidingö (tätort). 123 gillar · 200 har varit här. Café Gåshaga Futuraskolan International, Stockholm.
2012 kom en anmälan till Utbildningsförvaltningen på Lidingö om Futuraskolans förskola. Engelbrektsskolan. Engelska Skolan Norr AB. Internationella Engelska Skolan i Sverige AB. Friskolan Asken AB. Futuraskolan Gåshaga. Glada Hudikskolan. 13 feb 2015 Futuraskolan Bergtorp (Täby); Futuraskolan Hertig Karl (Sollentuna); Futuraskolan Dalénum (Lidingö); Futuraskolan Gåshaga (Lidingö) Futuraskolan Gåshaga, F - 6, Visa mer · Lägg till.
Detta företag är verksamt inom följande bransch: Grundskolor.
Futuraskolan International Gåshaga Skola is a bilingual F-6 school with an international focus. We have very committed employees and positive and curious students who are offered a nice and creative learning environment.
Brahegatan 45. 114 37 Stockholm.
Futuraskolan International, Stockholm. 1 476 gillar · 43 pratar om detta · 462 har varit här. Futuraskolan driver skolor och förskolor i
"Elevernas Val" Spaghetti Futuraskolan International School of Stockholm. For families who wish their children to experience a genuine international school at an affordable cost. The Futuraskolan International School of Stockholm after school care program is called Fritids and is available for families of our Grade 1 to Grade 6 (or until they En av företagets skolor, Futuraskolan International School of Stockholm, har ett särskilt tillstånd från Skolinspektionen, då det är en skola för tillfälligt bosatta i Welcome to Futuraskolan International Gåshaga. We are a bilingual school with an international perspective offering Grades F-6. The foundation of our Futuraskolan AB is a private company that currently operates 14 pre-schools and schools in Stockholm and the Greater Stockholm region. Futuraskolan International Gåshaga, Lidingö (tätort). 119 likes · 1 talking about this · 51 were here.
Under 2019 hade Futuraskolan International Gåshaga en lärartäthet på 7.69 (vilket innebär att skolan hade 7.69 lärare per 100 elever eller 13.0 elever per lärare). Kelly has been teaching music, with a focus on choir, since 2009. She is currently teaching music and choir at Futuraskolan Gåshaga in Stockholm, Sweden. Prior to this she worked as a music and choir teacher at Futuraskolan International Lidingö for one year and Internationella Engelska Skolan: Huddinge for two years.
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Värdshusvägen 3. 181 66 Lidingö. Futuraskolan International Bergtorp.
Through child influence, children learn in a[] Read more. 2020-11-09 Covid – 19 update. Futuraskolan International Gåshaga Skola is a bilingual F-6 school with an international focus.
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Läsåret 2019/20 Visar uppgifter för: Futuraskolan AB (enskild huvudman) Futuraskolan International Bergtorp*. 41,4 Futuraskolan International Gåshaga *.
The school year runs from mid-August to […] See 1 photo from 7 visitors to Futuraskolan Gåshaga. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Fill out and email the Admissions/Application form including all documentation listed to international@futuraskolan.se Pay the application fee of 1500 SEK to Bankgiro 5296-5480. Don’t forget to put child’s first and last name, grade and school year you are applying for in the information or we cannot trace your payment.