In the sample problem, the dividend 630 rounds to 600. Divide 600 by 30. The answer is 20. Compare your estimate to the exact answer to determine if the exact 


Division med tal som slutar på noll (I). 1. 360 36. 6. 60. 6. = = 2. 250. 50. = ______ = ____. 3. 200. 20. = ______ = ____. 4. 1 600. 400. = ______ = ____. 5. 4 800.

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1 600 divided by 4

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3200. 4000. 4800. 6400. 8000. 9 600.

To get this, both the top and bottom numbers of the fraction are divided by the SAME NUMBER, and this is repeated if necessary until it is impossible to do so anymore. For example, to reduce 150/240 let's divide 518 by so let's going to divide it by 0.7 0.7 so we're dividing this whole number by a decimal so we could also write this as 518 518 divided let me write a little bit bigger than that since we have to do some work with it 518 divided by 2 the division sign in white divided by 0.7 0.7 so the first thing we do since we have this decimal you were dividing by decimals to try to turn The result is placed under the number divided into.

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840. 84000.

"Numbers that 600 is divisible by" is all the factors of 600. In other words, all the integers that 600 can be divided by, where the result is also an integer.

1 600 divided by 4

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They can also be written as "1 to 2" or as a fraction ½. The ratio represents the number that needs to be multiplied by the denominator in order to yield the numerator. In this case, ½. This is clearer if the first number is larger than the second, i.e. with the ratio 2:1, 2 can contain 1, 2 times.

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