Browse pictures and read growth / cultivation information about Common Fig, Edible Fig, Higo (Ficus carica) 'Conadria' supplied by member gardeners in the PlantFiles database at Dave's Garden.


Large, green-yellow skin, reddish pulp. Hybrid of White Adriatic and succulent Caprifig. Released in 1956. Produces excellent figs on coast. Most prolific every year. Skin cracks all over but does not split. Good either fresh or dried. Sanders, Figs in Containers, Fruit Gardeners, California Rare Fruit Growers, Vol. 23, No.6, December 1991:

Our Fig Collection. Sold Out Buy Online Dwarf Atreano Fruiting Fig Tree Plant For Your Garden. Sold Out Conadria Fig. $44.99 $49.99 . Golden crown Conadria figs; Grown in California; Shipped in circular tray. Neatly packed in circular trays, Nutra-Fig® Golden Brown California Figs are a high  Although the Fig is most often considered to be a fruit, it is actually a flower that is Bianci, Blanche, Brunswick, Conadria, Excel, Galbun, Gillette, Green Ischia,  Results 326 - 350 of 1221 Ficus carica 'Conadria''. Conadria Fig. Very vigorous, long-lived tree.

Conadria fig

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It isnt as sweet as a Kadota fig, but resists spoilage. You get a fig tree that produces heavy crops of figs and large in size when planting the Conadria Fig tree. (USDA Zones 6-10) 71 votes, 15 comments. 7.4k members in the Figs community. r/Figs is a place where fig lovers gather to show off their home grows, discuss figs, and … This is a green fig, medium to large in size with strawberry colored pulp and an excellent flavor. It is prized for drying.

Figaholics: Conadria is a fig introduced by Ira Condit in California in 1955. It is a productive and medium sized fig that is moderately sweet with a mild melon flavor. Jamie0507 : 2017: wonderful fig, prolific, but does have tendency to split Conadria is one of the few figs bred by the leading California fig breeder, Ira Condit.

Conadria is one of the first artificial hybrid figs developed by Ira Condit in 1956 at Riverside, California. It is a light green, large fig with whitish-pink flesh and a sweet mild flavor. This white fig tree for sale, the Conadria, flourishes in hot areas and is a vigorous long-lived tree.

Conadria Fig • Mature Height: 15′ • Mature Width: 15′ • Light Requirements: Full sun • Water Requirements: Moderate water • Fertilizers: Dr Q’s Fruit & Nut Tree Food, 13-7-7, Dr Q’s Organic Fruit & Nut Tree Food, 6-4-4 Conadria Fig. Conadria produces medium-sized, light yellow, very sweet figs with light strawberry flesh. Tree is vigorous.

The Conadria Fig tree produces a greenish yellow skin, pink flesh. It isnt as sweet as a Kadota fig, but resists spoilage. You get a fig tree that produces heavy crops of figs and large in size when planting the Conadria Fig tree. (USDA Zones 6-10)

Conadria fig

Conadria Fig - Ficus carica Violet de Bordeaux Fig - Ficus carica; Conadria is our largest yellow fig with high sugar content. Some can set snugly in a tea cup. Can be used for dried figs and fresh fruit. Introduced in 1955 by Ira Condit USDA Riverside, CA. Paratjal Rimada is a Spanish variety that has been very popular. Our tree has grown well but has been pruned heavily and figs will probably be larger once t Ficus carica ( Conadria Fig ) Conadria is a vigorous tree bearing choice white fruit tinged with violet, thin skin, with white to red flesh. Choice, fine flavor. Figs ripen in June on old wood and often again in August on current year’s wood.

The trees grow to average size and are considered to be long lived and are highly productive producing Browse pictures and read growth / cultivation information about Common Fig, Edible Fig, Higo (Ficus carica) 'Conadria' supplied by member gardeners in the PlantFiles database at Dave's Garden. This is a green fig, medium to large in size with strawberry colored pulp and an excellent flavor. It is prized for drying. It sets two crops a year, though the breba crop is sometimes light. It is well adapted in California and in the Southeast. It is also called Contessina. Bred by Ira Condit and released in 1956, it Enjoy Nutra-Fig’s Golden Brown California figs hand selected and packed into circular trays.
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Conadria fig

Not as sweet as Kadota, but resists   Oct 6, 2016 - Conadria produces large green, thin-skinned figs that ripen to light greenish yellow and droop when ripe. The flesh is white and the pulp can range  Fig Tree (Conadria). $19.99. This is one of the older cultivars released from a California breeding program in 1955.

It was bred from an Adriatic fig, hence the name “Con-adria”.
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Figaholics: Conadria is a fig introduced by Ira Condit in California in 1955. It is a productive and medium sized fig that is moderately sweet with a mild melon flavor. Jamie0507 : 2017: wonderful fig, prolific, but does have tendency to split

The name is a combination of his name and the drying fig Adriatic from which it was bred. The tree is vigorous and the fruit are an extremely large 2 1/2 inches wide with a light … 2019-08-15 Fig. 11 'Conadria' Conadria (Genoa): This cultivar is a vigorous tree that produces fruit that are green to yellow in color. Flesh of the fruit is pink to red with a good flavor. The eye is small and tight. Fruit ripening is in June and again in August. Conadria fruit are good fresh and excellent dried.